Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bacteria Beware! Even Cooked Garlic Can Get You

Recent research at New Mexico State University indicates that cooked garlic can continue to display powerful antibiotic properties albeit much less stronger than raw garlic.

Raw garlic's bacteria killing properties happen to be known about for a long time. It has a chance to kill off many food borne bacteria for example e-coli, salmonella, and listeria. So far, most experts on garlic thought that these antibacterial properties disappeared once garlic was cooked and also the principle biochemical, allicin, was changed into something a smaller amount potent. Now, however, there's evidence that a few of the antibacterial components in garlic are resistant against heat and remain active as bacteria fighters even if garlic is cooked.

Chitra Wendakoon, a microbiologist at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, conducted several experiments where the bacteria killing properties of both raw and cooked garlic were compared. Within the first experiment, extract of raw garlic and garlic that were boiled for Fifteen minutes were put into petri dishes containing several common strains of food borne bacteria including salmonella, listeria and shigella. The following day, both extracts displayed a chance to create bacteria free dead zones within the areas where these were placed. Within the next experiment, Wendakoon added both extracts to some nutrient rich broth which led to both killing off an incredible number of bacteria.

The catch being...

While cooked garlic did display a chance to wipe out bacteria and make bacteria dead zones both in of these experiments, it ought to be noted that raw garlic displayed much greater bacteria killing prowess. Within the petri dish experiment, the raw garlic extract made a dead zone twice those of the cooked stuff, as well as in the broth experiment, the raw extract destroyed ten times as numerous bacteria since the cooked. So while cooked garlic still kept a few of the antibacterial energy that its former self had, garlic in the raw state remains the reigning champ.

Still, this ability of cooked garlic to eliminate bacteria bodes well for many of the garlic eating world which would rather have their garlic cooked rather than raw and smelly. Whilst not as potent, a minimum of some of the bacteria fighting benefits remain when garlic is cooked. Also, since cooked garlic continues to be good for one's heart, this makes what is the news a win, win for that many garlic loving epicureans which exist out there.

Dr. Wendakoon can also be excited about the potential of isolating these heat hardy antibacterial components in garlic to use them in other medicinal applications.

Yulia Berries are an independent health researcher and author of the greatest selling e-books 'Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor' and 'Pharmacy in Vegetables'. She distributes a weekly newsletter regarding great natural home remedies and has written a large number of natural top health articles published on countless websites worldwide. Yulia Berry's new ebook Unlocked Strategies of Curative Garlic is going to be released soon.

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